In the current digital age, signage solutions have been an overlooked part of the business advertisement space, making it hard for most businesses to succeed. However, they play an essential role in making sure your advertising campaigns are a success.
In this post, we’ll walk you through five signage solutions that will generate success for your advertising campaign to enable your business to triumph. But before that, let’s check on the essential elements of an advertising campaign.
Important Elements of an Advertising Campaign
1. The Target
Defining your targeted audience is the most significant part when running a marketing campaign. Do you know your prospects, and what pain points do they have? The more you understand your audience, the better results you will achieve from your advertising campaign.
2. The Value Proposition
A value proposition refers to what differentiates you from your competitors—it makes you stand out from the crowd. Using your value proposition, communicate with your customers in the best language they can relate to. Signage solutions can help you create a memorable aspect of your business, helping you build trust and credibility.
3. The Call to Action
Your call to action should clearly state what your customers need to do after interacting with your product, service or brand. Do you want your customers to sign up for a freebie, or do you have a discount you’d like them to take advantage of? All these should be made clear in your advertising copy so that prospects have a clear direction of what to do next.
5 Signage Solutions That Will Generate Success

1. Digital Signages
Digital signages play a significant role in engaging your customers by creating awareness and informing them about your product, service or brand. That said, signage solutions can come in handy when you need to create awareness about a product or service you’re about to launch. Besides, digital signages can entertain your prospects through interactive games and videos.
2. Billboards
Billboards are one of the traditional advertising methods, but still one of the most effective. You can still use it to attract potential customers and create awareness about your brand. When going for a billboard, consider the colour you’ll choose.
Bold colours, such as green for productivity, blue for creativity, yellow for good impressions, and red for attention to suit startups. To improve readability, you should use contrasting colours—the ideal alternatives include red, black, white, blue and yellow.
3. Window Graphics
Window graphics is an advertising solution that small businesses, mid-market enterprises or large enterprises use to create brand awareness. It’s one of the most effective ways of highlighting new offers and discounts. Additionally, window graphics can help make an excellent first impression and help you win your prospective customers’ trust.
4. Banners
Banners allow you to advertise your products and services in a way that your target customers can understand and relate to. Informing your customers about new releases and discount offers is a big stepping stone to increasing sales and growing your brand.
To effectively market your products, services, or brand, you need to create awareness for your target audience consistently. Banner signage solutions can help you keep your customers on the radar about new products and services.
5. Pylons
Pylon signs are unattached signs that could be one side or double-sided. They are supported from single or double poles and made from aluminium or steel. For pylons to look attractive and grab attention, they have to be illuminated using led lights. However, most companies prefer using poles as they can grab attention from far away.
Get Your Signage Solutions from NGS Group

We understand the hassle that comes with having a recognisable and consistent brand. That’s why we have come to your rescue with our professional digital signage solutions. Whether you have a single business or have multiple subsidiary stores, we’ll ensure your identity remains consistent. Check out our signage solutions to find out more about how we can help you.